Overall score
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Najva Mirhashemi
On my page the overall score is shown as 94. I do not understand what it really means. Does it mean comparing a native speaker, my pronounciation is 94? It does not compare with other users, if I am among the ones who have improved from another point to this point? Since when I have improved my score? Who are the same like me? Am I among the 20% of learners on the website? Is anyone improving better? Am I like another person and I have improved better?
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Najva Mirhashemi
You are right. Maybe comparing with other learner would not be a good idea in terms of privacy. But, what about comparing myself from previous months and weeks. That gives me a sense if I am ever improving my skills
Pronounce Team
under review
Pronounce Team
Najva Mirhashemi Every recording is evaluated for pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. The score reflects how polished your speech is. You get 100 when no speech suggestions are provided. You can improve your score for each recording by practicing suggestions. We do not compare you with other learners on the website. Why would you want to compare your progress with others?
Pronounce Team That score is only for 30 minutes of talk. Why don't you extend the score to the entire historical period of the user? This score should be updated after a certain talking interval, but also take into account the previous one.